Friday, December 21, 2012

para refletir...
Não é nenhuma novidade que dinheiro, viagens, status, beleza e outras coisinhas mundanas são sonhos de consumo, mas não dão sentido a vida de ninguém. A única coisa que justifica nossa existência são as relações que a gente constrói. Só os afetos é que compensam a gente viver uma vida inteira sem saber de onde viemos e pra onde vamos. Diante da pergunta enigmática – por que estamos aqui? -, só nos consola uma resposta: para dar e receber abraços, apoio, cumplicidade, para nos reconhecermos um no outro, pra repartir nossas angústias, sonhos, delírios. Para amar, resumindo.
Pais e filhos, maridos e mulheres, amantes e amigos: são eles que sustentam a nossa aparente normalidade. Se não por eles, se não houver um presente e um passado para com eles compartilhar, com que identidade continuaremos em frente?  Que historia teremos para carregar? Quem testemunhará que aqui estivemos? Só quem nos conhece a fundo pode compreender o que nos revira por dentro. Qual foi o trajeto percorrido para chegarmos nesse exato ponto onde estamos. Neste estágio de assombro ou alegria ou desespero ou sei lá, você que sabe em que pé andam as coisas.
Todas as pessoas querem deixar um vestígio  para a posteridade. Deixar alguma marca. É a velha historia do livro, do filho e da árvore. O trio que supostamente nos imortaliza. Filhos somem no mundo, árvores são cortadas, livros mofam em sebos. A única coisa que nos imortaliza – mesmo – é a memória de quem amou a gente.” 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

"Amar es dar a alguien el poder para destruirte, y confiar en que no lo hará."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Elvis - Suspicious Minds

Moriarty - enjoy the silence

Enjoy The Silence
Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can't you understand
Oh my little girl

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very
They can only do harm

Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very
They can only do harm

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very
They can only do harm

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very
They can only do harm

Enjoy the silence...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tutor Executivo: Os donos do mundo

Tutor Executivo: Os donos do mundo: Absolutamente TUDO é influenciado por esses ai... (Clique para expandir) Por "The Illusion of choice"

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bruce Lee Vs Chuck Norris (Way of the Dragon)

Today I will try to muscle anything.

Nothing in the world is softer and weaker than water; 
But for attacking the hard and strong, 
there is nothing like it!
For nothing can take its place.
 - Lao  Tzu

" What's the difference between tension and energy? One of the most recurring problems when doing chi sao, is differentiating between tension and energy. When you use tension it involves muscle, which reduces your sensitivity significantly. Thus, have you ever rolled with someone who was really tense, then all of a sudden just pulled your arm away from his. You'll notice when its tension the hand just stays there doing nothing at all. But if it was energy, the hand automatically shoots out towards you. That's the difference between the 2, and how you can tell one from another." 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Essa semana tive um sonho raro com um jacaré imenso.
Parece que não é um bom pressagio...

Monday, July 9, 2012

'Chutzpah' - Ricardo Noblat: O Globo

'Chutzpah' - Ricardo Noblat: O Globo
por Luis Fernando Veríssimo - 12.02.2012



Um exemplo extremo do que os judeus chamam de “chutzpah” é o cara que mata o pai e a mãe e no tribunal pede clemência para um pobre órfão.

“Chutzpah” é algo que ultrapassa o cinismo e provoca até uma certa admiração pela audácia. Se houvesse um prêmio para a “Chutzpah do Ano” de 2012 o vencedor já estaria decidido, pois ninguém poderia concebivelmente igualar o primeiro-ministro britânico David Cameron este ano.

Quando Cameron chamou de “colonialista” a pretensão da Argentina de incorporar as Ilhas Malvinas, Falklands para os ingleses, ao seu território, estabeleceu um novo parâmetro para o “chutzpah” que humilha até o do órfão que pede clemência.

As Ilhas Falklands são os últimos farelos do maior sistema colonial que o mundo já conheceu. Um sistema que levou a espoliação comercial, a prepotência e a morte — junto com o parlamentarismo, o críquete e o chá com bolinhos — a todos os limites da Terra, e ainda se apegava aos seus domínios, muitas vezes por puro orgulho imperial, quando outras potências coloniais já tinham desistido.

Se há alguém que não pode xingar ninguém de colonialista é um inglês. Pelo menos não sem corar.

Você não precisa torcer pela Argentina para lamentar os ingleses no caso das Malvinas/Falklands. Ou vice-versa.

As barbaridades de lado a lado se equivalem. A tentativa de tomada das ilhas pelo governo militar argentino de 1982 — decidida, segundo o folclore, durante uma bebedeira do general Galtieri — foi uma aventura desastrada, tornada ainda mais trágica pela desproporção de forças.

As consequências da aventura também se equilibram. A derrota humilhante decretou o fim do regime militar argentino. A vitória fácil decretou a reeleição da Margaret Thatcher na Inglaterra.

Entre os quase mil mortos argentinos e ingleses na rápida guerra, as razões geopolíticas e eleitorais para o seu sacrifício não fizeram nenhum sentido.

Num plebiscito, a população das ilhas certamente escolheria continuar fazendo parte do Reino Unido. Este é o principal argumento inglês para continuar lá. Tudo bem. Mas o David Cameron poderia ter ao menos corado um pouco

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

1.Exaggerate your compliments

If you’re going to say something nice, why not make it a bit nicer? Only you will know the difference and the target of the compliment will feel that much better.

2.Forget about insults entirely (even in jest)

We can all agree that nothing good comes of insults. If they are serious, then someone comes out of the exchange feeling cut down. Even if you insult someone jokingly, their subconscious mind still takes your words in as a serious statement and imprints the insult on the person. This is akin to a commercial: it can seem stupid, but you are still building up respect for the product on a subconscious level. This is why companies pay top dollar just to have their logo visible in public places.

3.Investigate what is known about death

What do you know about death? You certainly have beliefs around it, but what do you know about the science of death, or of those who have died and been brought back to life? Death is not as big of a mystery as it is made out to be. Do your research before you fear or misconstrue this most universal human experience.

4.Try hypnagogic hallucination

For those new to the idea, hypnagogic hallucination is the state of experiencing dreaming-like visuals and thoughts while remaining awake. Lie down when you’re neither physically nor mentally tired and edge towards falling asleep while focusing on staying awake. Most of the time knowing of this state’s existence and attempting to experience it is enough to attain it. This is because up until this point, you’ve had no reason to try to stay on the edge of wakefulness!

5.Notice the small, beautiful things

As cliche as this sounds, there is so much beauty in the world yet we rarely appreciate it. Take 5 minutes, stop doing everything and sit down. Then clear your mind of your inner dialogue and focus intently on something in the space immediately in front of you. Nature always works best but literally any object will do. Study all of the minute details of the object and try to appreciate its complexity. This might take some practice but after you get into it, you’ll have that perspective for a while after.

6.Cut out the crap

We have a lot of crap in our lives that is neither necessary nor good for us. The crap includes certain people, emotions and habits. Take the time to evaluate the constituents of your life to decide what needs to go. This tip is so critical that I wrote a 3-part series on cutting out the crap - check it out!

7.Try a love experiment

Spend a week masquerading as Christ-figure and bring love into every aspect of your life. Start your day by sending out mental “I love you’s” to your friends and family. As you go through your day, silently (or out loud!) wish something nice upon any strangers you see. Monitor your every thought and action to be sure you’re acting out of love. This sounds cheesy but it is a fantastic feeling becomes addicting.

8.Make plans to attend at least one crazy event each year

As you all know, we humans remember experiences, not possessions. You remember driving somewhere in that car, not buying or owning the car. So put aside a savings jar to pay for at least one crazy, awesome event each year. Here are a few event ideas to get you salivating.

9.You are what you eat

We’ve all heard of this phrase but most don’t full realize it’s implications. Your body is constituted only of the food that you put into your body! If you’re okay with eating crap, you are accepting that you brain, skin, heart and everything else will be made of crap. You LITERALLY are what you eat.

10.Give up something for a week

Like Lent, but for non-Catholics. There are two major benefits of this: 1) you learn to live without something now so that if you’re ever forced to live without something, it won’t be so bad and 2) when you get it back, you will truly appreciate it. Examples include hot showers, alcohol and other substances and television. Extremist can give up everything and experience living on the streets.

11.“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”

Revenge is sweet but forgiveness is sweeter. Until that’s a no brainer for you, try faking forgiveness and knowing that nothing will piss off an enemy more than you not reacting to their provocations. Eg. If you punched someone in the face in anger and then they just smiled back at you happily, wouldn’t that annoy you?


Your dentist has been right all along. Flossing is more crucial for your oral hygiene that brushing your teeth. It keeps your gums healthy and food out of the tight places that drinking water won’t clean out (which would otherwise result in bad breath).

13.Don’t doubt anything without absolute evidence against it

Every day it seems I learn about something that I previously had thought to be impossible (like walking on water). Acknowledge that the world is full of surprises and the ‘impossible’. Therefore practice being open-minded rather than doubtful, especially about things foreign to you.

**Edit: Apparently the running on water video is fake which is extremely ironic in the context of this tip…I would take it down but that’s just too funny.

14.Know Your MSG

As you probably know, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is a common food additive that has been linked to cancer and a myriad of other health problems. Many products will use an alternate name for MSG to conceal its presence so be aware of these names as well: Gelatin, Calcium Caseinate, Hydrolized Vegetable Protein, Textured Protein, Monopotassium Glutamate, Hydrolized Plant Protein, Yeast Extract, Glutamate, Autolyzed Plant Protein, Yeast Food or Nutrient, Glutamic Acid, Sodium Caseinate, Autolyzed Yeast

15.Use your showers to practice being present

Your daily (?) shower is the perfect time to get better at being present. Instead of thinking about your time last night or everything you have to do today, focus on the sensation of the water hitting your skin. Zone in on the smell of the soap and the warmth of the steam coming off of your body. If & when you successfully block out your inner dialogue, I guarantee you will have the best power of your life.

16.Limit your time-wasting online activities

Do you ever find yourself deep in someone’s Facebook photos and wonder how you got there? The internet is an awesome tool but some sites can suck you in and waste tons of time that could be spent doing something productive. For those who can’t help themselves, there are extensions for Chrome and FireFox that allow you to specify a certain amount of time to allow to spend on time-waster websites per day. Every minute you spend on the sites you specify is tracked, and when you reach the limit those sites are no longer able to be accessed.

17.Remember the 10,000 hour rule

If you want to master anything in life you need at least 10,000 hours of practice. Practice separates the haves and the have-nots when it comes to skills. Have you spent 10,000 hours doing something you don’t care to master? (Ahem, Facebook..) Do something else that will benefit you a lifetime!

18.Make some rules for yourself

Instead of only reading this list and thinking ‘those are good ideas,’ take a few at a time and make them unbreakable rules until the habits stick.

19.Watch Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

The 3rd Zeitgeist film will change the way you view the monetary system, the economy and the future of this world. Its claims almost sound like conspiracy, but the evidence it intelligently builds upon rules out any chance of that. Do not be deterred by the 2:45 duration — if something is this important, would you want it to be able to be squeezed into 10 minutes?

20.Only do things that you love or that you have no choice but to do

When it comes to choosing a career, only do something that you absolutely love or something you have no choice but to do. I mean literally NO choice but to do that job. Unless you’re supporting children or completely steeped in debt, chances are you have a choice. Don’t waste a second doing something you do not love.

21.Practice energy development

Whether or not you believe chakras exist, you can develop the ability to feel, move around and store energy in your body. These sensations range from mild tingling to violent vibrations. Start off by lying down and putting all of your focus on your left foot. Focus on and feel that foot until it beings to warm up and tingle, then move on up the body in small increments. Eventually you can get your entire body to be vibrating (seriously, it’s almost scary). Developing these abilities helps with focus for meditation, astral projection and supposedly boosts your clairvoyance.

22.Question what you have been told to be true but have not investigated yourself

Simply stated, we are fed a lot of BS growing up that is not necessarily or at all true. We assume it is true because we’ve always “known” it to be true. Examples include religious and political beliefs, stereotypes and habits. Perhaps the best example of all is that marijuana is dangerous and deadly when in fact alcohol is infinitely worse for your body and your driving ability.

23.Force yourself to become a social badass

Put yourself through a series of comfort challenges to become comfortable in a social situation. Start with making eye contact with people you pass on the streets, then progress to saying hi and eventually asking them a quick question like ‘How’s your day going?’ Then progress to wearing a shocking piece of clothing out in public asking people for their phone numbers. Finally go to the extreme and take on a different person with waiters and cashiers. The idea is to go to the limits so that more normal interactions like to someone you’re interested in becomes a piece of cake.

24.Read Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search For Meaning’

This book details Frankl’s time in Nazi concentration camps and how the experience shaped his view on meaning and purpose in life. His account of the camps is extremely detailed and riveting. His conclusions on life are both far-reaching and relevant to life outside of captivity.

25.Find the supplements suitable for your lifestyle

Our diets and habits are nothing like those which are bodies were built for. Times have changed but we still need the same nutrition. Luckily we now mass-produce nutrients in bottles so you just need to figure out what your body needs. For example if you don’t get a lot of sun, you probably need some extra Vitamin D. If you get cold much easier than other people, you might have low levels of iron in your blood. Investigate and act accordingly.

26.Cut gluten from your diet

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye oats, and barley. Like so many other substances today, gluten is not meant to be put into our bodies. The humans alive at the time that our bodies last experienced major evolution did not consume all of the bread products we now have. To see a full explanation of the health-benefits of giving up gluten, check out this article.

27.Do pushups (100 of them!)

Pushups are the easiest way to get into an exercise routine and the most complete upper body workout available without weights. Doing 3 sets of pushups until fail every other day is a simple way to tone up your chest, arms, back and abs. If you want to step it up a notch, this website promises to get anyone to be able to complete 100 pushups within 6 weeks!

28.Watch ‘Waking Life’

Waking Life is a movie about a guy drifting around in a dream world having philosophical conversations with the interesting characters he meets along the way. If you like the articles here on HighExistence, I can guarantee with 100% certainty that you will love this film. It’s available for free on GoogleVideo.

29.Go for walks

Whenever you are feeling unmotivated, depressed, angry or [insert crappy emotion here], take a walk. It’s a sure-fire way to hit the reset button and get back into a positive mindset. There’s something about being in nature, getting some exercise and (most importantly) being present that can get you over any emotional hump.

30.Use StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon (SU) is an internet tool that brings you to random sites based upon your interests. You can also specify a particular interest category while also limiting the results to videos, photos, news, blogs, etc. SU is the best way to discover awesome content around the web, much of which you didn’t even know you were looking for! As you go through and ‘Thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ different web content, SU learns more about your interests and returns more accurate results. I also call it the ‘Serendipity Engine’ because of the countless times I’ve been thinking about a problem or looking for something and then the answer has come randomly to me through SU.

31.Read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

This freakishly fascinating book is best explained best by Wikipedia: “It examines mythology, its effect on ethics, and how that relates to sustainability. The novel uses a style of Socratic dialogue to deconstruct the notion that humans are the end product, the pinnacle of biological evolution. It posits that human supremacy is a cultural myth, and asserts that modern civilization is enacting that myth.”

32.Spend time alone each day

Being alone is a form of meditation that helps us realign with who we really are.

33.Practice Stoicism

Stoicism is centered around being unaffected by misfortune. A good stoic will recognize that mishaps will inevitable occur so he/she is constantly ready and open to experiencing them. Unlike pessimists, Stoics expect bad things to happen only because they recognize this is the nature of reality, and strive to become immune to being demoralized by said misfortunes.

34.Don’t compare yourself to others

Everyone is born with different strengths and weakness. Otherwise we wouldn’t be individuals and how much fun would that be? Consequently don’t hold yourself to the standards of others; you’ll never measure up to everyone.

35.Compare yourself to others

Use the success of others as motivation to continue growing and learning. Competition is strong medicine and can be used to your advantage if you don’t get too caught up in it. Strive to achieve a balance between #34 and #35.

36.Recognize the duality of every truth

As you likely noticed, #34 and #35 contradict each other, and yet both are solid truths. This is an example of how most great truths have some level of duality to them. Life is not absolute; let that apply to your beliefs as well – don’t be stubborn about them!.

37.Take cold showers

Besides waking you up better than anything, cold showers have been proven to improve blood circulation, keep your skin and hair healthy (hot water dries them out) and boost the immune system. For the men, it also increases testosterone levels and is just plain manly.

38.Try to be rejected every day

Instead of fearing rejection, make it a daily goal! When you go in with the intention of being told ‘no’, the butterflies go away and it becomes easy. This is a fantastic way to pursue more opportunities while becoming unfazed by the big N-O. Good applications include asking for phone numbers, job positions, partnerships and advice. Think of all the great things you’ve missed out on by not asking!

39.Rejoice in not knowing, be proud of your ignorance of a topic

Knowing everything is overrated. Embrace the areas where you know you are ignorant. When you recognize that someone knows something you don’t, use it as a learning opportunity rather than feeling dumb or pretending you know more than you do.

40.Recognize the golden glow of retrospect

When you look back at a difficult event in your life, it no longer holds the same ‘oh no, my life is over’ that you experienced at the time. Even very painful events like deaths, breakups and accidents can be looked at in a positive light in the golden veil of retrospect. If you can assume this perspective in the future looking back, certainly you can apply some aspects of that mindset while going through an event. Learn from your future self looking back at present you!

41.Resist nothing

If you can master this one, you have mastered life. Resistance has many forms but there is a simple test to know if you are in resistance or not. Does this thought make you feel good or bad? You guessed it, if it makes you feel bad then it is a form of resistance. For example, you are driving on the freeway and you miss your exit. Instead of getting angry and wishing you had not missed it, accept your circumstance and laugh about it instead. Maybe you would have gotten in a horrible car crash had you gotten off in time. How lucky that you just narrowly escaped a fiery death! Plus, do you enjoy being frustrated with crappy circumstances?

42.Take naps

20-25 minutes is all you need to wake up refreshed without feeling groggy. Taking a quick nap in the evening is a great way to get a burst of motivation and energy for the rest of the night. This is also a great time to try out hypnagogic hallucination – #4.

43.Transition to Internet TV

If you’re still spending your leisure time in front of a TV, consider the new web-based streaming options to traditional cable/satellite. Services like Apple TV and Roku allow you to stream Netflix, Hulu and tons of other internet entertainment channels to your TV for a fraction of the price. Additionally because you actually have to go through and choose something to watch instead of mindlessly flipping through channels, you’ll have to think twice before zombie-ing out to some reality show re-runs.

44.Master what you do most often

For me that would be typing and navigating around my computer. So I downloaded a typing tutor program and got my words-per-minute up to 60 (woot!) and have memorized every keyboard shortcut there is. Take the time to become the best you can be at the small things you do most often. You will save yourself loads of time, plus it’s fun to be really good at something

45.Practice Altru-Hedonism

‘Altru-Hedonism’ is a word I made up which represents the idea that helping other people provides the most satisfying and long-lasting pleasure. So in a way, altruism is a hedonistic activity.

46.Figure out the minimum income you need to be free

By free I mean able to do what you love without having to slave away at a job all day. I know we all would like the ultimate house with a BMW (M3 for me please!) but wouldn’t you rather be from having to do a job you don’t LOVE? If you agree with that, a great way to make it more feasible is to calculate exactly how much money you would need per month/year to be free. Minimalism is the goal here (If you’re having trouble not counting in that BMW, watch Fight Club and then have another go).

47.“Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”

This one goes right along with #46. What are you currently giving up to have ________ ? Your time? Your dreams? Time with your family and friends? Your health? Decide if your current sacrifices are worth what they allow you.

48.Be a source of good on your social network

Instead of further inflating these networks full of transient emotions and comments about Lady Gaga, tweet and share content that will bring help other people and spread happiness. Share motivational quotes, inspirational videos and anything else that will improve the lives of those come into contact with your feed.

49.Give your mom a call

If you’re looking for a way to give someone immense happiness with the least amount of effort, calling your mother is at the top of the list. She loves you 100 times more than you thought you loved that boy/girl in 7th grade & getting a call from you would make her day 100 times over. Even if you have no interest in talking to her, pretend that you do for 5 minutes. Say ‘I love you’ before she does for an even more ecstatic mama :)

50.Join the HighExistence Community :)

For those of you who don’t know, this blog is also a community of thousands of awesome people who think about life differently (like you do!). If you like talking about the meaning of life, spirituality, following your passion, good music and being happy in general, this is the community for you. Become a HEthen by clicking here or check out our discussions to see what’s being talked about on HE.

** StumbleUpon brought over 1.3 million people to the first installment of these secrets, and was probably the way most of you found HE. If you liked these 50, please help bring a second wave of new members by Stumbling this article :) Thanks everyone! — Jordan

1.Memorize something everyday.

Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.

2.Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.

Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.

3.Develop an endless curiosity about this world.

Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Try new things. Get out of your comfort zone and try to experience as many different environments and sensations as possible. This world has so much to offer, so why not take advantage of it?

4.Remember people’s names

so that they feel appreciated and for your own future benefit when you want something from that person. To do this, say their name back to them when they introduce themselves. Then repeat the name in your head a number of times until you are sure you have it. Continue to use their name in conversation as much as possible to remove any chance of forgetting it. If you’re still having trouble, make up a rhyme about their name: “Dan the Man” or “Natalie flatters me.”

5.Get fit!

It’s ridiculous to think that we have one body, one sole means of functioning, and people are too lazy to take care of themselves. Fit bodies lead to better health, confidence and more success with romantic endeavors. I’d say those are 3 very good reasons to get in shape.

6.Learn to focus only on the present.

The past is unchangeable so it is futile to reflect on it unless you are making sure you do not repeat past mistakes. The future is but a result of your actions today. So learn from the past to do better in the present so that you can succeed in the future.

7.Even more specifically, live in THIS moment.

Even 10 minutes ago is the past. If you live purely in this moment you will always be happy because there is nothing wrong in this split-second.

8.Smile more often.

Whenever you get a grin on your face, your brain is releasing serotonin, the happy hormone. Smiling is the natural way to force yourself to be happy. Many people even smile for five minutes straight in the morning to get themselves in a great mood for the day. It is a very powerful tool that is utilized less and less as we grow older and need happiness more than ever. Just remember that while happiness leads to smiles, smiles also lead to happiness.

9.Drink water.

Hydration is tremendously important for overall health. Soda has absolutely ZERO nutritional content; it’s like pouring a punch of sugar and syrup into your cup. Instead, fill it with life-replenishing water. It may taste plain at first if you’re coming off of a heavy soda-drinking streak, but you’ll soon find yourself addicted to it. 10 glasses per day is optimal, how many have you been getting lately?

10.Don’t take life so seriously!

Learn to laugh at the little things and this whole “existence” thing will be a whole lot easier. Be amused by your mistakes and failures and be thankful that you learned your lesson and won’t mess up like that again. And most importantly do things that you enjoy! Life is not strictly business, it can be mixed with pleasure.

11.Think positive thoughts.

When you find yourself thinking a negative thought, stop it immediately by any means necessary. Slap yourself in the face, yell something positive at the top of your lungs or jump up and down. Do whatever it takes to get back to a positive mindset as such is essential for continual happiness and success.

12.Read books.

No explanation needed.

13.Get in the sun.

Superman was completely re-energized when he flew out to space and soaked in some rays and you can do the same right outside your front door (if you live in a constantly dreary place, my apologies). The sun feels amazing: your entire body will be coursing with warmth and life.

14.Help others.

I’ll just give you a plethora of reasons why this is a MUST

1.Helping people has a ripple effect. If you help someone they will feel more obliged to help someone else, and so on. Pay it forward

2.You grow by giving and helping others. It can change you in ways you never expected

3.Your relationship with that person will become stronger

4.It’s the most fulfilling thing you can do on this planet. It not only feels amazing physically, you also feel like a good person

5.You might be able to call in a favor later when you need some help

6.Karma (if you believe in it)

7.Because there are more people in this world than just you

15.Set aside a specific time to worry each day.

Ponder all of your problems and anxieties during that time so that they will not distract you during work or moments of pleasure. This way you can be extremely efficient with your time and avoid focusing on negative things as much as possible. If you get all of your worry out of the way and have the mental fortitude to keep from reverting back to them, you will be much happier on the daily.

16.Be honest at all times.

Lies lead to nothing but trouble. Being known as trustworthy is an excellent trait to maintain and essential to having integrity.

17.Sleep less.

Fully adjusting to a new sleep cycle can take up to 21 days so don’t give up if you feel tired after switching to 5-hour nights. The “required” 8 hour/night is for normal people. If you’re reading THIS article on THIS site, you are not normal. So figure out how much sleep YOU really need and adjust accordingly. As enjoyable as sleep is, waking existence is much more fulfilling and efficient. IF this really sparks your interest, check out alternate sleep cycles with which you can be fine off of 2 hours of sleep per day.

18.Read “Bringers of Light” and “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch.

These books will help you decide what you want to do in this life and how to get to that point. They will also profoundly change the way you look at the purpose of existence. Read them!

19.Figure out what your goals and dreams are.

So many people wander aimlessly through life simply go for whatever small thing they want moment by moment. Instead, decide what your perfect life consists of and begin to put the steps in motion to reach that place. The most satisfying thing in the world (yes, better than sex, much better) is overcoming a challenge and reaching a goal. We are the happiest when we are growing and working towards something better.

20.Start your day off right.

Wake up and set aside an hour for personal development activities (meditation, self-introspection, observing nature, etc.) Do the things that make you feel blissful, optimistic and empowered so that you can set a positive tone for your day. I guarantee that once you start doing this, your days will be more enjoyable and fulfilling. Today is going to be the best day of your life. Duh.

21.Utilize ‘The Burning Method.’

Whenever a fear or worry or complaint comes to mind, close your eyes and imagine writing down the thought on a piece of paper. Then proceed to light the paper and fire and watch it disintegrate. Even better, actually write it down and burn it. You won’t have any problem ridding your mind of the thought after doing this.


Anyone who has ever gone anywhere will tell you that traveling is one of the most exciting and life-changing activities that you can do. Observing a different culture will expand your mind while making you further appreciate the life you already live. This goes back to becoming an explorer: this world is your jungle so go explore! Who knows, maybe you’ll find a place you love so much that you decide to move. Imagine the positive repercussions a new environment could have on your life.

23.The Rubber Band Method

This is the third and final way to rid yourself of negative thoughts (hopefully by now you have figured out that this is very important!). Place a rubber band around your wrist and snap it against your skin anytime a negative thought finds its way into your head. This operant conditioning technique associates a slight pain with negative thoughts like Pavlov associated food/salivation with the sound of a bell. Sounds a bit cruel at first but it only stings for a second, I promise. Plus the outcome, having only positive thoughts, far outweighs a little slap on the wrist here and there.

24.Learn to be unaffected by the words of others.

Most people get very upset when they are called negative names by others, but there is a simple trick to overcoming this. Here it is: If I went up to you and called you a fire hydrant, would you be upset? Of course not. Obviously you are not a fire hydrant, you are a human being. The same concept applies to when someone calls you something that you know you are not. They are foolish for saying such things, so why would you react with such anger? The only exception is when someone calls you something that is true! In this case, you should thank them for alerting you to a weakness, one that you can now work on changing.

25.Read “Zen and the Art of Happiness” by Chris Prentiss.

This book will give you the knowledge and instruction to be happy at all times regardless of the circumstances. Yes, this sounds like an oversimplification of happiness, but I assure you that this book will change you in an amazing way.

26.Develop the ability to forgive.

Forgiveness is something that most people fail miserably at even thought it’s so simple. Grudges only bring more misery to those who hold them and prevent good relations with the target. YOU makes mistakes all of the time so why not have mercy when other do? Remaining angry feels horrible while forgiving someone brings a refreshing sensation to the mind and healing to the relationship.

27.Be the person that makes others feel special.

Be known for your kindness and sympathy.

28.Learn to lucid dream

, or to realize when you are dreaming so that you can control your dreams. Sleep feels good, but it’s rather boring and unproductive. With lucid dreaming under your belt, night-time can be even more exciting than when you are awake. You can do anything: fly, travel to other planets, party with a celebrity, get intimate with your dream boy/girl, etc. Many lucid dreams have also reported being able to speak directly with the subconscious during dreams by demanding to be taken to it after becoming lucid. For those that know a thing or two about your subconscious, that is a BIG deal.

29.Visualize daily.

It has been said and proven time and time again that what you focus on is what you get. If you complain all of the time, you will run into more of the things you complain about. The same goes for good things like health, wealth and happiness. So spend some time in the morning imagining yourself achieving whatever it is that you currently desire. Focus is key in this exercise, so choose a quiet environment where you won’t be disturbed. If you’re having trouble focusing and continually find that your mind has wandered to something else, read about meditation in the following life tip. There is a lot more to this concept, so check out the full article on visualization and the law of attraction here.

30.Meditate everyday for at least 20 minutes.

In this modern world where everyone is so connected to everything else via cell phones, TV and internet, most people rarely enjoy the beauty of silence. The ability to quiet your mind and relax your body is an art and skill that everyone should develop. Simply sit somewhere, preferably in nature, and focus on your breathing or try to think about nothing. This is going to be extremely hard at first! You might find it boring or just plain impossible to think of nothing, but you will get better and you will learn to love it. Post-meditation, you will feel extremely clear-headed and.. well, just plain wonderful. The only way to really understand this sensation is to try it.

31.Learn to control your mind.

What kind of skilled human are you if you cannot even control your own thoughts? While the human mind is described as being a stream of consciousness, that does not mean you can’t decide where your stream flows. Techniques like meditation and the 3 ways to flush out negative thoughts will aid you immensely in learning to control your mind.

32.Learn to control your emotions.

The only person that can make you unhappy is you! You are the one that decides to be affected by the words and actions of others. Realize this so that the next time you experience a negative emotion, you can find the strength within yourself to overcome it.

33.Take a class in speed reading.

Books are full of information that can enhance your knowledge-base, vocabulary and yourself as a person. Speed reading is an easy way to get at this info faster so that you can have more time for other endeavors.


This one is for you workaholics out there (myself included). Yes, work is very important and productive but you need to take some time to chill out everyday or you are going to burn out faster than a candle with no oxygen. Additionally, you need to reward yourself for a job well done. What’s the use of doing all of that work if you can’t have a little fun from time to time anyways?

35.Work on making good first impressions.

Practice a strong, firm handshake and the small talk that generally goes along with meeting someone for the first time. People won’t know what to think of you if you have nothing more to say beyond “My name is _______, nice to meet you.” Also make sure you remember names, as mentioned previously. Who knows, you may be going into business with or marrying this person you’re meeting for the first time if you make a good impression. Be sure and make an excellent one.

36.Learn to use your eyes to their full potential:

1.Make constant eye contact when in conversation. Looking away (especially down) is a sign of inferiority and uncertainty. Instead, look at your conversation partner dead in the eyes and keep them locked on

2.Master the piercing stare. You know when someone looks at you and it feels like they can see into your soul? Well that’s not a hereditary characteristic, it just takes practice. Work on sharpening your gaze in the mirror. You’ll know you have it when it’s intimidating to continue looking at yourself

3.Master the one-eyebrow raise. This one isn’t necessary by any means, but hey, why not? Pick a brow to learn with and go look in a mirror. Raise both of your eyebrows but use your hand to hold down the brow that you want to stay down. This will probably feel very stupid at first but if you keep trying, you will eventually pin down the muscle you need to flex to get that one brow up

37.Be mysterious.

Don’t let off everything about you and definitely leave out some major details. There is something both alluring and mesmerizing about someone who no one knows fully about. I’m not saying to confide in no one or to alienate yourself. Just think James Bond.

38.Come up with a life mantra.

You know, like “Carpe Diem” or “Live life to the fullest,” but not as cliché. Make it something that really hits home with you so that you will actually stick to it. Make sure it’ not so specific that it rarely applies but also not so general that it’s not personal.

39.Get good at something.

Call it a hobby or a passion, whatever it is, just get damn good at it. Your occupation does not count! Make it something that you can practice often enough to excel at. Examples: Magic tricks, surfing, ping-pong, creating short films, and unicycling. It can be anything but I would recommend choosing something that: 1) You are passionate about 2) You can bust out at any moment to display your skills for any discerning crowd. My mind goes immediately to aerobatics and break dancing, but that’s just me.

40.Work out those abs.

Above any other muscle group in the entire body, the abs are the most important. They constitute your core, the center point of your body. Your ability to balance comes almost completely from the strength of your abdominal muscles and balance is vital to performance in any physical activity. Summary: they’re very important. For more info on how to work out your abs, check out this video.

41.Keep your brain sharp.

The majority of people are stuck in ruts. They go to the same job everyday, hang out with the same friends and eat at the same places. While that may feel safe, it’s not the most stimulating lifestyle for your brain. Those synapses have been built up enough, so try something that you do NOT know how to do! Buy a model car kit, master the art of sudoku or crosswords, or go pick up another major at your nearest college. The point is you need to be learning new things to keep your brain honest. Form new synapses by forcing your mind to work in ways it has not worked before. Just like physical workouts, doing too much of the same exercise will eventually give no results. Switch it up!

42.Read something inspirational right before bed and after waking.

This will set get you in a great mood for sleep and for the day. Read anything from a famous speech to your favorite self-improvement book. Try to read something that get’s you really excited in the morning especially so that you’ll leave your house beaming with energy and wonder.

43.Do what you love.

There is a huge difference between making a life and making a living; which one are you making right now? So many spend their entire lives trying to make as much money as possible so that they can afford to do what they really want later. It makes no sense to settle in life until you’re 65 so that you can retire and do what you want when you’re already WAY past your prime. We only live life once so why wouldn’t you want to spend it pursuing your bliss? To do anything else would be a tragic waste of the freedom you are allowed if you are reading this right now. Follow your bliss and you will be a thousand times more happy than your retirement date and 40+ years younger.

44.Choose your friends wisely.

You are affected far more than you think by the people you spend your time with. Do your friends share your values? Do they encourage you when you speak of your goals and dreams or do they scoff? Make sure the people around you are conducive to the lifestyle you want to lead or you will find yourself being dragged again and again into behavior that distances you from your desires. Friends with a habit of producing negative thoughts will especially hinder you. This can be a hard task to follow through with if you realize you good friend is one of these saboteurs, but you must be firm! Don’t let anyone get in the way of you being all that you can be.

45.Don’t burn bridges.

By that I mean maintain your relationships with people even if you think you are never going to see them again. For example, if you are quitting your job, don’t chew out your boss before leaving! You might run into him/her again later and life and wish you had never severed ties so harshly. You never know when you might need the help of someone you knew in the past. Plus there is already too much hatred in this world, why add more towards the people you interact with?

46.Keep a journal/diary.

It sounds like a very monotonous habit at first, but when you get into it, that little book will become a great way to organize your thoughts and track your growth over the years. Most of us already stay awake in bed at night pondering the events of the day anyways so why not document those thoughts in an organized fashion? That will allow you to look back and observe how your way of thinking has changed over time.

47.Read “New Pyscho-Cybernetics” by Dr. Maxwell Maltz.

This book will explain why the content of your thoughts has such a profound effect on your life through religious, philosophical and scientific arguments. A must read for completely understand who this life thing works.

48.Learn to use and trust your subconscious/intuition.

When you spend time in silence everyday, listen not for words but for a feeling that tells you to do something. Do not mistake your own reasoning and thoughts for those of your subconscious. If you can track where the thought came from, (this thought led to that thought which led to this thought, etc.) then it was not from your subconscious. Learning to accurately discern between the two will allow you to tap into knowledge that you don’t consciously have.

49.Develop a charismatic personality.

You know, the kind of personality that is surrounded by people constantly and is the life of the party. Start visualizing yourself as THAT person. Maybe take a short course on dynamic speaking and learn some jokes. Take the time to learn some party tricks and sleight of hand. Most importantly, believe that you already are charismatic even if you fail at being the center point of the next party. Lie to yourself constantly and tell yourself that you are more warm and gregarious than Ronald Regan. Belief is the first step! Reality will come soon after.

50.Love is all there is.

If you truly want to be a master of life, let love be in your every action. Love your friends, family and enemies alike. This is the most difficult thing to do out of this entire list, which is why it is listed at #50. But if you accomplish this, you will be seen as a leader among everyone that allows hate, envy, disgust and all other negative emotions into their lives. Think Gandhi. Love is so rare in this world when compared to the massive presence of hate that by exuding love, you will immediately see yourself and the people around you change. Love. Love. Love.

30 Habits that Will Change your Life

Developing good habits is the basic of personal development and growth. Everything we do is the result of a habit that was previously taught to us. Unfortunately, not all the habits that we have are good, that’s why we are constantly trying to improve.

The following is a list of 30 practical habits that can make a huge difference in your life.

You should treat this list as a reference, and implement just one habit per month. This way you will have the time to fully absorb each of them, while still seeing significant improvements each month.

Health habits

1.Exercise 30 minutes every day. Especially if you don’t do much movement while working, it’s essential that you get some daily exercise. 30 minutes every day are the minimum recommended for optimal health.

2.Eat breakfast every day. Breakfast is the more important meal of the day, yet so many people skip it. Personally, I like to eat a couple of toasts in the morning along with a fruit beverage.

3.Sleep 8 hours. Sleep deprivation is never a good idea. You may think that you are gaining time by sleeping less, when in reality you are only gaining stress and tiredness. 8 hours are a good number of hours for most people, along with an optional 20 minutes nap after lunch.

4.Avoid snacking between meals. Snacking between meals is the best way to gain weight. If you are hungry, eat something concrete. Otherwise don’t. Update: for clarification, I mean don’t eat junk food between meals, but eating real food it’s ok.

5.Eat five portions of fruits and vegetables every day. Our body and brain loves getting vegetables and fruit, so I highly recommend eating as much of them as possible. Five portions is the dose that’s usually recommended by many health associations.

6.Eat fish. Fish is rich of omega 3 and other healthy elements. At least one meal per week of fish should be enough for getting all these nutrients.

7.Drink one glass of water when you wake up. When you wake up, your body is dehydrated and needs liquid. Make the habit of drinking one glass of water after you wake up in the morning. Also, drink more during the day.

8.Avoid soda. Soda is often one of the most unhealthy beverage you can find. Limit your consumption of soda as much as possible and you’re body will be grateful for that.

9.Keep your body clean. I don’t advise spending your day in front of the mirror, but a minimum of personal care does never hurt.

10.If you smoke, stop it. There’s no reason to smoke anymore, and quitting is possible.

11.If you drink, stop it. Same as above. Don’t think that alcohol will solve your problems. It never does. The only exception is one glass of wine per day during meals.

12.Take the stairs. This is just a hack that forces you to do a minimum of exercise. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs.

Productivity habits

1.Use an inbox system. Make the habit of keeping track of all the ideas and things that comes to mind. You can use a notebook to do this, and then sync everything on your computer.

2.Prioritize. If you have a list of things to do, where do you start? One way is to prioritize your list. If you are in doubt, ask yourself: “If I could only accomplish one thing today, what would it be?”

3.Plan, but not too much. Planning is important, and you should decide in advance what you are going to do today or this week. However, planning for more than a few weeks is usually inefficient, so I would not worry too much about that.

4.Wake up early. Waking up early in the morning is a great way to gain extra time. I personally like to wake up at 5 am, so that by 9 am I have already accomplished what otherwise would have taken me many days..

5.Check your email only twice per day. Email can easily become an addiction, but it’s usually unnecessary to check it every 10 minutes. Make an effort and check your email only once or twice per day, see if the world will still rotate as before after you try this.

6.Eliminate unimportant tasks. Being busy all day does not mean you are doing important stuff. Eliminate every activity that’s not important, and focus on what really matters.

7.Clean off your desk and room. Having a clear room and desk is important to maintain focus and creativity.

8.Automate. There are a lot of tasks that you need to perform every day or every week. Try to automate them as much as possible.

9.Set strict deadlines. When you do something, decide in advance when you’re going to stop. There’s a rule that states that you will fulfill all the time you have available for completing a task, so make an habit of setting strict deadlines for maximizing your productivity.

10.Take one day off per week. Instead of working every day, take one day off per week (for example sunday) where you are not going to turn on your computer. Use that time for doing recreational activities like going for a walk.

Personal Development habits

1.Read 1 book per week. Reading is a good way to keep your brain active. With just 30 minutes per day you should be able to read one book per week, or more than 50 books per year.

2.Solve puzzles. Quizzes, word games, etc. are all good ways to exercise your brain.

3.Think positively. You are what you think, all the time.

4.Make fast decisions. Instead of thinking for one hour wherever you are going to do something, make your decisions as fast as possible (usually less than 1 minute).

5.Wait before buying. Waiting 48 hours before buying anything is a tremendous money saver, try it.

6.Meditate 30 minutes per day. A great way to gain clearness and peace is through meditation. 30 minutes are not a lot, but enough to get you started with meditation.

Career habits

1.Start a blog. Blogging is one of the best way to put your word out. It doesn’t have to be around a specific topic, even a personal blog will do.

2.Build a portfolio. If your job is creating stuff, building a portfolio is a great way to show what you are capable of. You can also contribute stuff for free if that applies to your work.

What do you think? What are the habits that changed your life?

Update: A reader put together a downloadable copy of all these habits. Check it out here.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Two Lists You Should Look at Every Morning - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review

Two Lists You Should Look at Every Morning - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review

List 1: Your Focus List (the road ahead) What are you trying to achieve? What makes you happy? What's important to you? Design your time around those things. Because time is your one limited resource and no matter how hard you try you can't work 25/8.
List 2: Your Ignore List (the distractions)
To succeed in using your time wisely, you have to ask the equally important but often avoided complementary questions: what are you willing not to achieve? What doesn't make you happy? What's not important to you? What gets in the way?

How to Be Happier at Work - Leonard A. Schlesinger, Charles F. Kiefer, and Paul B. Brown - Harvard Business Review

How to Be Happier at Work - Leonard A. Schlesinger, Charles F. Kiefer, and Paul B. Brown - Harvard Business Review
 The remedy for this malaise is simple (although not often taken). It is to act. Every action causes a change in reality. Every action carries the potential for learning. Learning about your next step. Learning about what you like or don't like. Every act can build momentum. Small desires grow. A small talent or expertise can be developed and honed. Before you know it, you can be on a new course. But only if you act.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

fotos e mais fotos

pesquisar no I phone... ou no smart

animototo videos

Inspiração para festas

Oolong Tea - How to Brew Chinese Oolong Tea

O oolong é um chá chinês tradicional que, com uma oxidação entre 10% e 70% situa-se entre o chá verde e o chá preto. As folhas do chá oolong são tradicionalmente enroladas para formar uma espécie de caracol ou então são apresentadas em forma de bola. Minuciosamente preparado, é um chá cujo paladar forte e até um pouco amargo, acaba por deixar persistir um sabor doce. Aprenda a preparar um chá oolong da forma correta.

A chaleira
Qualquer chaleira pode ser utilizada para preparar um chá oolong e o único requisito é que seja largo o suficiente para permitir a expansão das folhas de oolong. Se utilizar um cesto ou infusor de chá, certifique-se que também este possui a largura suficiente para acomodar convenientemente as folhas de oolong. Tradicionalmente, porém, o chá oolong é preparado numa chaleira yixing, produzida num barro com o mesmo nome e cuja qualidade superior permite uma maior absorção do aroma e do sabor do chá. Em alternativa, pode também ser utilizada uma chaleira gaiwan que, composta por uma tigela coberta, em porcelana ou vidro, remonta à primeira dinastia Ming. Ambas as chaleiras podem ser encontradas em lojas especializadas.

Aquecimento prévio
Recomenda-se o aquecimento prévio da chaleira antes da sua utilização – basta enchê-la com água a ferver, aguardar 30 segundos e esvaziar. As vantagens? Ao colocar as folhas do chá oolong numa chaleira quente antes de adicionar a água, poderá desfrutar, em pleno, da sua maravilhosa fragrância. Para além disso, o aquecimento prévio da chaleira irá estabilizar a temperatura da mesma, evitando que a água esfrie rapidamente na hora de fazer a infusão.

Temperatura da água
Regra geral, utiliza-se água a ferver para preparar qualquer tipo de chá. No entanto, e uma vez que o chá oolong é caracterizado por uma oxidação variável, aconselha-se a utilização de água ligeiramente mais fresca para o chá oolong com uma oxidação mais baixa e água mais quente para o chá oolong com uma oxidação mais elevada. Porém, uma vez que o chá oolong se aproxima bastante do chá verde, faz todo o sentido a utilização de água com uma temperatura mais baixa na sua preparação.

Quantidade de folhas
Uma boa indicação relativamente à quantidade de folhas a utilizar na preparação de um chá oolong é 2 ½ colheres de chá de folhas oolong para cada 250 ml de água. Tudo depende da intensidade do chá que pretende preparar, ou pode simplesmente utilizar menos folhas e um tempo de infusão maior. É importante saber que o chá oolong em forma de bola é mais intenso do que as folhas de chá oolong enroladas, pelo que se devem acertar as quantidades conforme o tipo utilizado. Como são mais pequenas, se utilizar uma chaleira yixing ou uma chaleira gaiwan, basta cobrir o seu fundo com folhas de oolong.

O tempo de infusão de um chá oolong depende da quantidade de folhas utilizadas. Se utilizar o método de cobrir o fundo de uma chaleira yixing ou uma chaleira gaiwan ou, em alternativa, as 2 ½ colheres de chá das folhas oolong para cada 250 ml de água, então estes são os tempos de infusão recomendados:

1ª infusão: 0’30
2ª infusão: 0’30 – 1’00
3ª infusão: 1’30 – 2’00
4ª infusão: 3’00
Um minuto a mais para cada infusão adicional
As mesmas folhas de chá oolong podem ser utilizadas em infusões repetidas e a verdade é que este processo torna o chá cada vez mais saboroso. No entanto, é importante que retire toda a água da chaleira após cada infusão, caso contrário as folhas continuarão submersas, limitando o número de infusões deliciosas.

Saborear e experimentar
O último e o melhor dos passos na preparação de um chá oolong é mesmo saboreá-lo, de preferência numa espécie de tigela baixa. No entanto, é igualmente importante experimentar quantidades diferentes de folhas – conforme prefira o seu chá mais forte ou mais fraco – assim como tempos de infusão distintos. Cada chá é um chá… e os gostos não se discutem, desfrutam-se.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Alinhe-se com o Outono
( estou flanando ... esse site é curioso)
Alinhe-se com o Outono
De acordo com o sistema de medicina mais antigo no mundo, o Ayurveda de origem indiana – semelhante reforça o semelhante-
Durante o verão a Terra é aquecida, com isso todo o nosso corpo se beneficia com o calor e, portanto, acumulamos energia que faz despertar sentimentos de amor, paixão e movimento interior. Mas, em excesso, pode causar desajustes como indigestões, fortes emoções e erupções na pele.
Quando o outono chega a Terra esfria, o ar é seco, o vento é abundante tornando a nossa pele mais seca, lábios ressecados, constipação, ansiedade e até insônia. Toda a nossa energia é direcionada para dentro.
Por ser uma fase de transição entre o verão e o inverno, o outono é a estação que devemos vivenciá-lo delicadamente, ou seja, devemos realizar as nossas práticas de Yoga mantendo um rimo mais suave e lento para que possamos manter o equilíbrio durante os dias mais frios.
Portanto, é importante se proteger do excesso de vento e escolher sequencia de postura que acorde, mova e expulse o calor, facilitando então, o relaxamento do sistema nervoso.
Sugestão de Kriyás (exercícios) para serem realizados (na ordem), diariamente durante a estação do Outono:
  1. Entoação de Mantra
  2. Pranayama – Prana Kriyá – respiração completa
  3. Bandhas ( tamas, rajas e uddhyana)
  4. Ásanas:Utikatásana,Trikonásana,Malásana,Masyendrasana,Dandásana, Setubhandásana, Shavásana
  5. Meditação
  6. Relaxamento

Friday, March 30, 2012

"Podia ser ela mesma, quando estava só. E era isto que precisava fazer com frequência: pensar. Bem, nem mesmo pensar. Ficar em silêncio; ficar sozinha. E toda a existência, toda a atividade, com tudo que possuem de expansivo, brilhante, vibrante, vocal, se evaporavam. Então podia, com uma certa solenidade, retrair-se em si mesma, no âmago pontiagudo da escuridão, algo invisível para os outros."

Virgínia Woolf, in "Ao Farol"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cem vezes Millôr, por Sérgio Augusto
1. O acaso é uma besteira de Deus.
2. Morrer é uma coisa que se deve deixar sempre pra depois.
3. O Brasil é os Estados Unidos onde eu vivo.
4. Um homem é adulto no dia em que começa a gastar mais do que ganha.
5. A invenção do Alka-Seltzer foi uma tempestade em copo d’água.
6. Nasci com talento melódico numa época em que o pessoal só se interessa por percussão.
7. Analista é um sujeito que partindo de premissas falsas consegue chegar a conclusões perfeitamente equivocadas.
8. Anarquia é apenas uma proposta social em que você dá ao palhaço a administração do circo. (E quase sempre ele é muito bem-sucedido.)
9. Se os animais falassem não seria conosco que iam bater papo.
10. Nunca deixe de fazer amanhã o que pode deixar de fazer hoje.
11. Nas noites de Brasília, cheias de mordomia, todos os gastos são pardos.
12. Um desses livros que quando você larga não consegue mais pegar.
13. Minha especialidade e meu orgulho: sou o maior leigo do país.
14. 50% dos doentes morrem de médico.
15. Celebridade é um idiota qualquer que apareceu na televisão.
16. Chato é uma pessoa que não sabe que “Como vai?” é um cumprimento, não uma pergunta.
17. Todo governante se compõe de 3% de Lincoln e 97% de Pinochet.
18. Jamais chame um amigo de imbecil. É preferível lhe pedir dinheiro emprestado e não pagar.
19. Se sua calça tem um buraco, usea-a pelo avesso.
20. Quem se curva aos opressores mostra a bunda aos oprimidos.
21. A alma enruga antes da pele.
22. Comida é bom, bebida é ótimo, música é admirável, literatura é sublime, mas só o sexo provoca ereção.
23. Especialista é o que só não ignora uma coisa.
24. Os pássaros voam porque não têm ideologia.
25. A falsa modéstia é o rabo escondido com o gato de fora.
26. Fobia é um medo com PhD.
27. A fotografia é a mentira verdadeira.
28. Toda fotografia antiga é uma punhalada.
29. O futebol é o ópio do povo e o narcotráfico da mídia.
30. Quem sai aos seus não endireita mais.
31. O gourmet é o comilão erudito.
32. O haddock é um bacalhau que venceu na vida.
33. A humildade é uma espécie de orgulho que aposta no perdedor.
34. O humorismo é a quintessência da seriedade.
35. Idade da razão é quando a gente faz as maiores besteiras sem ficar preocupado.
36. Desconfio de todo idealista que lucra com seu ideal.
37. Imprensa é oposição. O resto é armazém de secos & molhados.
38. Como são admiráveis as pessoas que não conhecemos muito bem!
39. Grande erro da natureza é a incompetência não doer.
40. Todo homem nasce original e morre plágio.
41. Livre como um táxi.
42. Divagar e sempre.
43. Monogamia é a capacidade de ser infiel à mesma pessoa durante a vida inteira.
44. A morte é hereditária.
45. A ociosidade é a mãe de todos os vices.
46. O cara que completa 80 anos está, evidentemente, vivendo acima de seus recursos.
47. Se é gostoso, faz logo. Amanhã pode ser ilegal.
48. O otimismo é o pessimismo em diluição.
49. A probidade não tem cúmplices.
50. Deus dá o frio a quem não tem dentes.
51. O quartzo é um mineral que fica entre o tertzo e o quintzo.
52. A invenção da poltrona acabou com os heróis.
53. Certos escritores se pretendem eternos e são apenas intermináveis.
54. O dinheiro não é tudo. Tudo é a falta de dinheiro.
55. Dizem que quando o Criador criou o homem, os animais todos em volta não caíram na gargalhada apenas por uma questão de respeito.
56. Conheço alguns escritores que morreram aos 30 anos e só conseguiram entrar pra Academia aos 60.
57. Não confundir ética com etiqueta, que é apenas uma ética de butique.
58. Eu posso não ser um bom exemplo. Mas sou um bom aviso.
59. A beleza é a inteligência à flor da pele.
60. Todo líder acaba empregado de sua liderança.
61. Dinheiro compra até amor verdadeiro.
62. Os homens não fervem à mesma temperatura.
63. À noite (na penumbra aconchegante das alcovas permissivas), todos os pardos são gatos.
64. A importância leva mais gente ao cemitério do que a impotência.
65. Quando a bajulação não atinge seu objetivo, você pode estar certo de que não é por falta de vaidade do bajulado – é por incompetência do puxa-saco.
66. Entre o riso e a lágrima quase sempre há apenas o nariz.
67. De todas as taras sexuais, não existe nenhuma mais estranha do que a abstinência.
68. A Academia Brasileira de Letras se compõe de 39 membros e um morto rotativo.
69. Não existe o japonês individual.
70. Temos que começar por baixo. Como os Estados Unidos, por exemplo. Eles começaram com um país só.
71. Não gosto da direita porque ela é de direita, e não gosto da esquerda porque ela é de direita.
72. Nos momentos de perigo é fundamental manter a presença de espírito, embora o ideal fosse conseguir a ausência do corpo.
73. O arroto é um som burguês, incompreensível entre os pobres.
74. Deus é bom. Está é muito mal cercado.
75. O sujeito que me fará acreditar na imortalidade da alma ainda está pra ressuscitar.
76. Político é um sujeito que convence todo mundo a fazer uma coisa da qual ele não tem a menor convicção.
77. Bahia – a maior agência de publicidade do mundo.
78. O bêbado é o subconsciente do abstêmio.
79. O bolero não morrerá enquanto houver um coroa tomando banho de chuveiro frio.
80. Todos os grupos são apenas agências de emprego para seus membros.
81. Nada é certo neste mundo – a não ser o telefone tocar quando você está sozinho em casa e acabou de sentar no vaso.
82. Baiano só tem pânico no dia seguinte.
83. Os corruptos são encontrados em várias partes do mundo, quase todas no Brasil.
84. A credibilidade de um país é inversamente proporcional aos juros que os banqueiros internacionais lhe cobram.
85. A curiosidade mórbida é a mãe do vidro fumê.
86. Não haverá democracia enquanto eu for obrigado a escrever deus com D maiúsculo.
87. O problema da democracia é que quando o povo toma o palácio, não sabe puxar a descarga.
88. O mal do mundo é que Deus e o Diabo envelheceram, mas o Diabo fez plástica.
89. Os socialistas são contra o lucro. Os capitalistas são apenas contra o prejuízo.
90. Um escritor só é realmente famoso quando seus erros de linguagem passam a ser considerados regras gramaticais.
91. O problema de ficar na fossa é que lá só tem chato.
92. Não existe tendência para engordar. Existe tendência para comer.
93. Cada ideologia tem a Inquisição que merece.
94. Quando uma ideologia fica bem velhinha vem morar no Brasil.
95. O pior não é morrer. É não poder espantar as moscas.
96. Há males que vêm pra pior.
97. Quem não tem memória sabe tudo de olvido.
98. O maior erro de Noé foi não ter matado as duas baratas que entraram na Arca.
99. No Nordeste nu explícito é esqueleto.
100. Quando você está fora de si, o pessoal vê melhor o que você tem dentro

A revista “Esquire” publicou em 1935 uma lista do escritor norte-americano Ernest Hemingway enumerando 17 livros que ele julgava seminais. Os livros apontados por ele continuam essenciais.

Anna Kariênina — Liev Tolstói

Longe e há Muito Tempo — W. H. Hudson

Os Buddenbrooks — Thomas Mann

O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes — Emily Brontë

Madame Bovary — Gustave Flaubert

Guerra e Paz — Liev Tolstói

A Sportsman's Sketches — Ivan Turgenev

Os Irmãos Karamazov — Fiódor Dostoiévski

Hail and Farewell — George Moore

Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn — M. Twain

Winesburg, Ohio — Sherwood Anderson

A Rainha Margot — Alexandre Dumas

A Casa Tellier — Guy de Maupassant

O Vermelho e o Negro — Stendhal

A Cartuxa de Parma — Stendhal

Dubliners — James Joyce

Autobiografias — WB Yeats

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

a Casa de Rubem Alves
Minha alma é um bolso onde guardo minhas memórias vivas. Memórias vivas são aquelas que continuam presentes no corpo. Uma vez lembradas, o corpo ri, chora, comove-se, dança... "O que a memória amou fica eterno", disse a Adélia Prado. Mas há um outro tipo de memória que não foi eternizado pelo amor. Essas memórias não moram na alma. Moram nos arquivos da razão. São informações verdadeiras e inertes. Inertes são as memórias que a razão sabe mas o corpo não ama. É o caso daquilo que comumente se chama de "curriculum vitae". Um curriculum vitae é uma lista de informações inertes. Importantes do ponto de vista institucional, frequentemente exigidas, como comprovação de competência. Mas sua lembrança não me comove. Assim, acho que não merecem ser chamadas de "curriculum vitae". A vida não é uma lista de informações. Prefiro chamar esta lista de "curriculum mortis" - nada mórbido, apenas cômico. Meu currículum vitae verdadeiro você encontrará nas minhas conversas, crônicas, pensamentos, cartas, concertos de poesia. Mas para atender à curiosidade de alguns e às exigências de outros, vai um mini-curriculo. O completo é muito comprido.
Estava lendo esse episódio da vida do Jobs. E que me impressionou a falta de caráter.  É eu acho que vou ler a biografia...

Jobs is well known for his innovations in personal computing, mobile tech, and software, but he also helped create one of the best known video games of all-time. In 1975, Jobs was tapped by Atari to work on the Pong-like game Breakout.

Steve Jobs was reportedly offered $750 for his development work, with the possibility of an extra $100 for each chip eliminated from the game's final design. Jobs recruited Steve Wozniak (later one of Apple's other founders) to help him with the challenge. Wozniak managed to whittle the prototype's design down so much that Atari paid out a $5,000 bonus — but Jobs kept the bonus for himself, and paid his unsuspecting friend only $375, according to Wozniak's own autobiography.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

La distancia la hacen las personas no los kilómetros

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pina by Wim.wmv

Mais de um ano depois...

Monday, February 21, 2011
Pina - Tanzt, sonst sind wir verloren (Pina Bausch, Wim Wenders) | Kino-...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Não é necessário sair de casa.
Permaneça em sua mesa e ouça.
Não apenas ouça, mas espere.
Não apenas espere, mas fique sozinho em silêncio.
Então o mundo se apresentará desmascarado.
Em êxtase, se dobrará sobre os seus pés.
Franz Kafka

Why we travel

It has long been said that travel "broadens the mind". Now new evidence proves that jumping on a plane will not only make you smarter, but more open-minded and creative

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Jonah Lehrer
The Observer, Sunday 14 March 2010
Article history

It's 4.15 in the morning and my alarm clock has just stolen away a lovely dream. My eyes are open but my pupils are still closed, so all I see is gauzy darkness. For a brief moment, I manage to convince myself that my wakefulness is a mistake, and that I can safely go back to sleep. But then I roll over and see my zippered suitcase. I let out a sleepy groan: I'm going to the airport.

The taxi is late. There should be an adjective (a synonym of sober, only worse) to describe the state of mind that comes from waiting in the orange glare of a streetlight before drinking a cup of coffee. And then the taxi gets lost. And then I get nervous, because my flight leaves in an hour. And then we're here, and I'm hurtled into the harsh incandescence of Terminal B, running with a suitcase so I can wait in a long security line. My belt buckle sets off the metal detector, my 120ml stick of deodorant is confiscated, and my left sock has a gaping hole.

And then I get to the gate. By now you can probably guess the punchline of this very banal story: my flight has been cancelled. I will be stuck in this terminal for the next 218 minutes, my only consolation a cup of caffeine and a McGriddle sandwich. And then I will miss my connecting flight and wait, in a different city, with the same menu, for another plane. And then, 14 hours later, I'll be there.

Why do we travel? It's not the flying I mind – I will always be awed by the physics that gets a fat metal bird into the upper troposphere. The rest of the journey, however, can feel like a tedious lesson in the ills of modernity, from the pre-dawn X-ray screening to the sad airport malls peddling crappy souvenirs. It's globalisation in a nutshell, and it sucks.

And yet here we are, herded in ever greater numbers on to planes that stay the same size. Sometimes we travel because we have to. Because in this digital age there is still something important about the analogue handshake. Or eating Mum's turkey at Christmas.

But most travel isn't non-negotiable. (In 2008 only 30% of trips over 50 miles were made for business.) Instead we travel because we want to, because the annoyances of the airport are outweighed by the visceral thrill of being someplace new. Because work is stressful and our blood pressure is too high and we need a vacation. Because home is boring. Because the flights were on sale. Because New York is New York.

Travel, in other words, is a basic human desire. We're a migratory species, even if our migrations are powered by jet fuel and Chicken McNuggets. But here's my question: is this collective urge to travel – to put some distance between ourselves and everything we know – still a worthwhile compulsion? Or is it like the taste for saturated fat: one of those instincts we should have left behind in the Pleistocene epoch? Because if travel is just about fun, then I think the new security measures at airports have killed it.

THE GOOD NEWS, at least for those of you reading this while stuck on a tarmac, is that pleasure is not the only consolation of travel. In fact, several new science papers suggest that getting away – and it doesn't even matter where you're going – is an essential habit of effective thinking. It's not about a holiday, or relaxation, or sipping daiquiris on an unspoilt tropical beach: it's about the tedious act itself, putting some miles between home and wherever you happen to spend the night.

Let's begin with the most literal aspect of travel, which is that it's a verb of movement. Thanks to modern engine technology, we can now move through space at an inhuman speed. The average walker moves at 3mph, which is 200 times slower than the cruising speed of a Boeing 737. There's something inherently useful about such speedy movement, which allows us to switch our physical locations with surreal ease. For the first time in human history, we can outrun the sun and segue from one climate to another in a single day.

The reason such travels are mentally useful involves a quirk of cognition, in which problems that feel "close" – and the closeness can be physical, temporal or even emotional – get contemplated in a more concrete manner. As a result, when we think about things that are nearby, our thoughts are constricted, bound by a more limited set of associations. While this habit can be helpful – it allows us to focus on the facts at hand – it also inhibits our imagination. Consider a field of corn. When you're standing in the middle of the field, surrounded by the tall cellulose stalks and fraying husks, the air smelling faintly of fertiliser and popcorn, your mind is automatically drawn to thoughts that revolve around the primary meaning of corn, which is that it's a plant, a cereal, a staple of farming.

But now imagine that same field of corn from a different perspective. Instead of standing on a farm, you're now in the midst of a crowded city street, dense with taxis and pedestrians. (And yet, for some peculiar reason, you're still thinking about corn.) The plant will no longer just be a plant: instead, your vast neural network will pump out all sorts of associations. You'll think about glucose-fructose syrup, obesity and Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food; ethanol made from corn stalks, popcorn at the cinema and creamy polenta simmering on a wood stove in Emilia Romagna. The noun is now a web of tangents, a loom of remote connections.

What does this have to do with travel? When we escape from the place we spend most of our time, the mind is suddenly made aware of all those errant ideas we'd suppressed. We start thinking about obscure possibilities – corn can fuel cars – that never would have occurred to us if we'd stayed back on the farm. Furthermore, this more relaxed sort of cognition comes with practical advantages, especially when we're trying to solve difficult problems.

Look, for instance, at a recent experiment led by the psychologist Lile Jia at Indiana University. He randomly divided a few dozen undergrads into two groups, both of which were asked to list as many different modes of transportation as possible. (This is known as a creative generation task.) One group of students was told that the task was developed by Indiana University students studying abroad in Greece (the distant condition), while the other group was told that the task was developed by Indiana students studying in Indiana (the near condition). At first glance, it's hard to believe that such a slight and seemingly irrelevant difference would alter the performance of the subjects. Why would it matter where the task was conceived?

Nevertheless, Jia found a striking difference between the two groups: when students were told that the task was imported from Greece, they came up with significantly more transportation possibilities. They didn't just list buses, trains and planes; they cited horses, triremes, spaceships, bicycles and even Segway scooters. Because the source of the problem was far away, the subjects felt less constrained by their local transport options; they didn't just think about getting around in Indiana – they thought about getting around all over the world and even in deep space.

In a second study, Jia found that people were much better at solving a series of insight puzzles when told that the puzzles came all the way from California and not from down the hall. These subjects considered a far wider range of alternatives, which made them more likely to solve the challenging brain teasers. There is something intellectually liberating about distance.

The problem is that most of our problems are local – people in Indiana are worried about Indiana, not the eastern Mediterranean or California. This leaves two options: 1) find a clever way to trick ourselves into believing that our nearby dilemma is actually distant, or 2) go someplace far away and then think about our troubles back home. Given the limits of self-deception – we can't even tickle ourselves properly – travel seems like the more practical possibility.

Of course it's not enough simply to get on a plane: if we want to experience the creative benefits of travel, then we have to rethink its raison d'être. Most people escape to Paris so they don't have to think about those troubles they left behind. But here's the ironic twist: our mind is most likely to solve our stubbornest problems while we are sitting in a swank Left Bank cafe. So instead of contemplating that buttery croissant, we should be mulling over those domestic riddles we just can't solve.

The larger lesson is that our thoughts are shackled by the familiar. The brain is a neural tangle of near-infinite possibility, which means that it spends a lot of time and energy choosing what not to notice. As a result, creativity is traded away for efficiency; we think in literal prose, not symbolist poetry. A bit of distance, however, helps loosen the chains of cognition, making it easier to see something new in the old; the mundane is grasped from a slightly more abstract perspective. As TS Eliot wrote in the Four Quartets: "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

But distance isn't the only psychological perk of travel. Earlier this year researchers at Insead, a business school in France, and at the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago reported that students who had lived abroad were 20% more likely to solve a computer simulation of a classic psychological task known as the Duncker candle problem than students who had never lived outside their birth country.

The Duncker problem has a simple premise: a subject is given a cardboard box containing a few drawing pins, a book of matches and a waxy candle. They are told to determine how to attach the candle to a piece of corkboard on a wall so that it can burn properly and no wax drips on to the floor. Nearly 90% of people pursue the same two strategies, even though neither strategy can succeed. They elect to pin the candle directly to the board, which would cause the candle wax to shatter. Or they say they'd melt the candle with the matches so that it sticks to the board. But the wax wouldn't hold; the candle would fall to the floor. At this point most people surrender. They assume that the puzzle is impossible, that it's a stupid experiment and a waste of time. Only a slim minority of subjects – often fewer than 25% – come up with the solution, which involves attaching the candle to the cardboard box with wax and then pinning the cardboard box to the corkboard. Unless people have an insight about the box – that it can do more than hold drawing pins – they'll waste candle after candle. They'll repeat their failures while they're waiting for a breakthrough. This is known as the bias of "functional fixedness", since we're typically terrible at coming up with new functions for old things. That's why we're so surprised to learn that an oven can be turned into a small closet or that an apple can be used as a bong.

What does this have to do with living abroad? According to the researchers, the experience of another culture endows us with a valuable open-mindedness, making it easier to realise that a single thing can have multiple meanings. Consider the act of leaving food on the plate: in China this is often seen as a compliment, a signal that the host has provided enough to eat. But in America the same act is a subtle insult, an indication that the food wasn't good enough to finish.

Such cultural contrasts mean that seasoned travellers are alive to ambiguity, more willing to realise that there are different (and equally valid) ways of interpreting the world. This in turn allows them to expand the circumference of their "cognitive inputs", as they refuse to settle for their first answers and initial guesses. After all, maybe they carry candles in drawing-pin boxes in China. Maybe there's a better way to attach a candle to a wall.

OF COURSE THIS mental flexibility doesn't come from mere distance. It's not enough to just change time zones or to schlep across the world only to eat Le Big Mac instead of a quarter pounder with cheese. Instead this increased creativity appears to be a side-effect of difference: we need to change cultures, to experience the disorienting diversity of human traditions. The same details that make foreign travel so confusing – Do I tip the waiter? Where is this train taking me? – turn out to have a lasting impact, making us more creative because we're less insular. We're reminded of all that we don't know, which is nearly everything; we're surprised by the constant stream of surprises. Even in this globalised age, slouching toward similarity, we can still marvel at all the earthly things that weren't included in the Lonely Planet guidebook and that certainly don't exist back home.

So let's not pretend that travel is always fun. We don't spend 10 hours lost in the Louvre because we like it, and the view from the top of Machu Picchu probably doesn't make up for the hassle of lost luggage. (More often than not, I need a holiday after my holiday.) We travel because we need to, because distance and difference are the secret tonic of creativity. When we get home, home is still the same. But something in our mind has been changed, and that changes everything.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Onde não se pode criticar, todos os elogios são suspeitos."

Hayaan Hirsi Ali

Monday, March 12, 2012

Aqui estou lendo um monte de e-mails recebidos nas férias.
Eis que no meio deles encontro a seguinte citação:

"Há tantos burros mandando em homens de inteligência,que, às vezes, fico pensando que a burrice é uma Ciência”. Ruy Barbosa
