Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Frases soltas no meio da papelada. Li , gostei, mas nao deu tempo de reproduzir. Fica pra daqui a alguns dias.
A reflexao do dia: tem gente que sabe irritar. Mas, os piores sao os mascarados de bonzinhos...
desses, eu quero mais é distância. Muita distancia...
Eu nao gosto de gente manipuladora.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

“Procure me amar quando eu menos merecer. É quando eu mais preciso”
Provérbio sueco

Zera tudo

Bom, acho que esse é o momento. Zerar. Recomeçar.
Vejamos, o que posso fazer diferente e pra melhor?
Eu tenho 2 lembranças muito fortes, tão fortes que não há como apagar as cicatrizes.
Seria possível começar do zero? Ah, hj estou engolind tudo a seco.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Gosto de pessoas doces, gosto de situações claras - e por tudo isso, ando cada vez mais só."

Caio Fernando Abreu

Sunday, November 8, 2009

"At this very moment, for the peoples and the nations of the earth, may not even the names disease, famine, war and suffering be heard.Rather may their moral conduct, merit,wealth and prosperity increase, and may supreme good fortune and well-being always arise for them. Throughout my many lives and until this moment, whatever virtue I have accomplished, including the merit generated by this practice,and all that I will ever attain, this I offer for the welfare of sentient beings.May sickness, war, famine and sufferingbe decreased for every being, while their wisdom and compassionincrease in this and every future life.May I clearly perceive all experiences to be as insubstantial as the dream fabric of the night and instantly awaken to perceive the pure wisdom display in the arising of every phenomenon.May I quickly attain enlightenmentin order to work ceaselessly for the liberation of all sentient beings.

Como não acreditar na inevitabilidade das consequencias?
after the film...
I had to start reading
Gates To Buddhist Practice: Essential Teachings Of A Tibetan Master
It is the best introduction to Buddhism that I have ever read.
I do not understand too much about the subject but I agree with those who said that it is one of the most clear, complete and concise overview of Tibetan Buddhism.

"This is a rare book: a brilliant guide to the spiritual path by a master of outstanding qualities"
At a time when a lot of us are feeling unmoored and stressed out, it's a blessing to have difficult questions answered in a way that is insightful and provocative without being pat or simplistic. I highly recommend this book"

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Carla Bruni

Je n'ai pas d'excuse,
C'est inexplicable,
Même inexorable,
C'est pas pour l'extase,
c'est que l'existence,
Sans un peu d'extrême,
est inacceptable,
Je suis excessive,
J'aime quand ça désaxe,
Quand tout accélère,
Moi je reste relaxeJe suis excessive,
Quand tout explose,
Quand la vie s'exhibe,
C'est une transe exquise
Y'en a que ça excède, d'autres que ça vexe,
Y'en a qui exigent que je revienne dans l'axe,
Y'en a qui s'exclament que c'est un complexe,
Y'en a qui s'excitent avec tous ces "X" dans le texte
Je suis excessive,
J'aime quand ça désaxe,
Quand tout accélère,
Moi je reste relaxeJe suis excessive,
Quand tout explose,
Quand la vie s'exhibe,
C'est une transe exquise, (ouais).
Je suis excessive,
J'aime quand ça désaxe,
Quand tout exagère,
Moi je reste relaxe
Je suis excessive,
Excessivement gaie, excessivement triste,
C'est là que j'existe.
Mmmm, pas d'excuse !
Pas d'excuse !