Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bruce Lee Vs Chuck Norris (Way of the Dragon)

Today I will try to muscle anything.

Nothing in the world is softer and weaker than water; 
But for attacking the hard and strong, 
there is nothing like it!
For nothing can take its place.
 - Lao  Tzu

" What's the difference between tension and energy? One of the most recurring problems when doing chi sao, is differentiating between tension and energy. When you use tension it involves muscle, which reduces your sensitivity significantly. Thus, have you ever rolled with someone who was really tense, then all of a sudden just pulled your arm away from his. You'll notice when its tension the hand just stays there doing nothing at all. But if it was energy, the hand automatically shoots out towards you. That's the difference between the 2, and how you can tell one from another."