Set entirely in an 8m police truck, a number of detainees from different political and social backgrounds are brought together by their inevitable fate, during the turmoil that followed the ousting of former president Morsi from power.
Director: Mohamed Diab
Writers: Khaled Diab, Mohamed Diab
Stars: Nelly Karim, Hani Adel, El Sebaii Mohamed | See full cast & crew »
Country: Egypt | France
Language: Arabic
Release Date: 4 May 2017 (Brazil)
Also Known As: Clash See more »
Filming Locations: Cairo, Egypt
"... Clash takes place in only one setting a 8m police truck .. from the beginning .. You would have this Claustropohbia even if you don't have it.
Diab wanted to tell us than the true claustrophohia is in our thinking, in the narrow thinking that could end all of us.
This movie isn't pointed toward a single audience. I
It's a movie about humanity, about how to accept each other even if sometimes we can't stand each other but in order to move forward we have to, and it's done in a beautiful symbolic way.
It also have a political background and it may seem at first that's it's the movie's story but actually no, the political purpose is there.
I won't deny but it's crafted in a light way that Foreign audience can still watch and enjoy and have the same impact as Egyptian one's ..
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4 years ago