Saturday, June 1, 2024

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

On Being Hated

Learning that someone hates us deeply even though we have done nothing ostensibly to provoke them can be one of the most slamming situations we face. Because of technology it's also liable to happen to us more and more. In the past our enemies were restricted to the vicinity. Now they lice scattered around the digital planet. In the past we might once have unwisely read about ourselves in another's diary. Now we can make the baleful error of quietly googling our own name Being hated feels so serious for three central reasons: because we see the hatred as a prelude to genuine practical danger, because we feel that those who hate us might be right that their negative information though unpleasant might have something important to teach us, and because we implicitly trust in the basic wisdom soundness of mind and suggestive the person delivering the attack. But each of these reasons is liable to be badly off the mark. Once upon a time our enemy might have come to bludgeon us in the night no wonder, we were very concerned. But now almost always they can only ever impose a psychological wound. Their ill-will is unrelated to further action. And yet it is as if an ancestral part of our minds had failed to notice our freedom that we no longer live in tribes and that we can flourish independently in the vast and appoints delightfully anonymous cities of modernity. Unhampered by the narrow verdict of a few corrupt judges Part of our vulnerability to hatred stems from the poignant and at origin intelligent way we tend to keep an open mind about criticism. We know at heart rightly that we have so much to learn from other people, so we continue to behave like the trusting school children we once were waiting to receive the opinions of broadly benevolent teachers. But this important capacity to learn may lack the necessary limits. What starts off as a virtue can in time leads to a desperate unnecessary vulnerability to any incoming information and eventually a kind of madness as we leave ourselves open to attack by those who plainly don't have our best interests at heart. We are seldom very good at filtering with our enemies are well-qualified judges of our right to exist. In our panic at the news of hatred we fail to ask ourselves the one important question: whether there is any truth in the attack. But even when criticism is correct, we should never surrender our self-love to anyone who delivers it to us drenched in contempt. There is never any excuse for cruelty. We should distinguish between the critic and the hater. Whereas the critic limits the psychological significance and fall out of their point of contention. The hater takes a small point of disagreement as a way of access to deliver a wholesale bitter condemnation of us as human beings. There is a vast difference between declaring you are full of [ _] and clearing the throat to say I think you are mistaken on this point. The first move suggests that your error is a consequence of a fundamental rottenness. The second leaves open that you could be an honorable soul who just happens to be like so many of us understandably confused on a complicated issue. We should ultimately trust that anyone who deliberately harms us must be a highly damaged and therefore unreliable witness. We should not continue to believe that they may be frustrated but clever like an exasperated but fundamentally wise teacher motivated by a pursuit of the truth however roughly handled. If one were truly wise insightful and mature one could never want to make another person collapse internally. The desire to hurt a stranger can only have big and troubled explanations behind it something distorting their judgment and stripping them of the right to destroy our self-confidence with impunity none of us are blameless we all have so much growing up to do a distinct openness to criticism is key to our self-development. But we should aim for a confident distinction between the hater and the critic we should be worried only by our genuine flaws and otherwise forgive the injured roaring beasts who seek to punish us for their own undevout sorrows.

Thursday, October 13, 2022


Get up early.

Get up early and work for a couple hours on the thing you really care about. 

When you’re done, go about your day: go to school, go to your job, make your family breakfast, whatever.

Your teacher or your boss or your kids can’t take your work away from you, because you already did it.

 And you know you’ll get to do it tomorrow morning, as long as you make it through today.

“Every day is a new deal. 

Keep working and maybe something will turn up.” 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Marcelo Góis - Tudo que eu sempre sonhei (Pullovers)

[Verso 1]

Sempre pensei que aconteceria

De criança acreditava nos adultos

Que era só pagar pra ver

Feio, meio assim desconfiado

Perna em xis, já barrigudo

Duvidando que eu conseguisse crescer

Mesmo assim, contudo

O tempo foi passando

E eu fui adiando, mudo

Os grandes dias que ia conhecer

Quem sabe amanhã? Próximo ano?

Cebolinha com seus planos infalíveis ia me ensinar a ser

Forte, corajoso, bom de bola

Um dos bonitos da escola

Muito embora eu nem fizesse questão

Ainda bem que eu sou brasileiro

Tão teimoso, esperançoso

Orgulhoso de ser pentacampeão

Já que se eu fosse americano

Pegaria uma pistola e a cabeça ia perder a razão

Mataria quinze na escola

Estouraria a caixola e apareceria na televisão


E por fim cresci, de insulto em insulto

Eu me vi como um adulto

Culto, pronto pra o que mesmo? Já nem sei

Olho e não encontro

Penso se eu não fui um tonto

De acreditar no conto do vigário que escutei

Não tem carro me esperando

Não tem mesa reservada

Só uma piada sem graça de português

Não tem vinho nem champanhe ou taça

Só um dedo de cachaça

E um troco magro todo fim de mês



Tudo que eu sempre sonhei

Tanto que eu consegui

É tão bom estar aqui

Quanto ainda está por vir

Tudo que eu sempre sonhei

Tanto que eu consegui

É tão bom estar aqui...


[Verso 2]

Mas, bobagem, quanta amargura

Eu já sei que a vida é dura

Agora é pura questão de se acostumar

Basta ter coragem e finura

E o jogo de cintura

Aprendido dia a dia, bar em bar

Pra que reclamar se tem conhaque

Se na tevê tem um craque

E o meu Timão só entra pra ganhar?

Pra que imitar Chico Buarque?

Pra que querer ser um mártir

Se faz parte do momento se entregar?

E por fim tem até namorada

Bonitinha, educada

Séria, tudo o que mamãe vive a pedir

Tem beijinho e também trepada

E a consciência pesada

A cada nova vontadezinha que surgir

De outra mulher, de liberdade

De um amor de verdade

De poder fechar os olhos e sorrir

Pensando que então, dali pra frente

Seja qual for tua idade

O melhor ainda vai estar por vir!



Tudo o que eu sempre sonhei

Tanto que eu consegui

É tão bom estar aqui

Quanto ainda está por vir

Tudo que eu sempre sonhei

Tanto que eu consegui

É tão bom estar aqui

Eu sei




“Tudo Que Eu Sempre Sonhei” é a primeira faixa do álbum a que dá nome, o único álbum de estúdio da banda Pullovers, lançado em 2009.

Zeca Baleiro - Você é má

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

You Are Safe

Om bhur bhuvah swaha 
Tat savitur varenyam
 Bhargo devasya dhimahi 
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat 
Om bhur bhuvah swaha
 Tat savitur varenyam
 Bhargo devasya dhimahi
 Dhiyo yo nah
Om bhur bhuvah swaha
 Tat savitur varenyam 
Bhargo devasya dhimahi 
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat 

You are safe, you are safe, you are so very safe 
You are safe, you are so very safe 
You can let go I'm not leaving you
You are loved you are loved
 you are so very loved
 You are loved you are loved you are so very loved 
You can let go 
I'm not leaving you 
You are beautiful you are so beautiful 
You are beautiful you are so beautiful 
You can let go I'm not leaving you 
Oh no, I'm not leaving you Oh no no no 
I'm not I'm never leaving you 
Oh no, I'm not leaving you 
Oh no no no I'm not 
I'm never leaving you…

Monday, June 14, 2021

A felicidade é sempre evasiva

" - Como vai você? - Ótimo. Não poderia estar melhor. " A felicidade é um papel que as pessoas representam. Um exterior sorridente pode ocultar um grande sofrimento. Depressão, esgotamento e reações exageradas são comuns quando a infelicidade é encoberta por sorissos, sempre que há negaçao, algumas vezes para si próprio de que existe muita infelicidade. A infelicidade não tem nada a ver com quem nós somos. Se não houver nenhuma solução ao seu alcance, encare isso. " Bem, é o que está acontecendo nesse momento, não posso nem aceitar isso, nem me sentir infeliz. " A causa primária da infelicidade, nunca é a situação, mas nossos pensamentos sobre ela. Atenha-se aos fatos. Encarar os fatos é sempre fortalecedor. Não busque a felicidade. Se fizer isso, não a encontrará porque buscar é a antítese dela. (Tolle, Eckhart) p.88

Sunday, January 3, 2021


Only pack what you can carry yourself. “Remember only enemies speak the truth. Friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty.” Stephen King Time is the most valuable thing you have. Remember the human touch. Be very careful how you spend the first and last two hours of each day. Think big; don’t be afraid to be bold. Only pack what you can carry yourself. “Remember only enemies speak the truth. Friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty.” Stephen King Time is the most valuable thing you have. Remember the human touch. Be very careful how you spend the first and last two hours of each day. Think big; don’t be afraid to be bold.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

364 Singularity

(after Stephen Hawking) Do you sometimes want to wake up to the singularity we once were? so compact nobody needed a bed, or food or money — nobody hiding in the school bathroom or home alone pulling open the drawer where the pills are kept. For every atom belonging to me as good Belongs to you. Remember? There was no Nature. No them. No tests to determine if the elephant grieves her calf or if the coral reef feels pain. Trashed oceans don’t speak English or Farsi or French; would that we could wake up to what we were — when we were ocean and before that to when sky was earth, and animal was energy, and rock was liquid and stars were space and space was not at all — nothing before we came to believe humans were so important before this awful loneliness. Can molecules recall it? what once was? before anything happened? No I, no We, no one. No was No verb no noun only a tiny tiny dot brimming with is is is is is All everything home

Friday, January 1, 2021


What I usually recommend: get up early. Get up early and work for a couple hours on the thing you really care about. When you’re done, go about your day: go to school, go to your job, make your family breakfast, whatever. Your teacher or your boss or your kids can’t take your work away from you, because you already did it. And you know you’ll get to do it tomorrow morning, as long as you make it through today.“Every day is a new deal. Keep working and maybe something will turn up.” Happy New Year.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

dark -this series is one of netflix's treasures and is really worth watching it.

"The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion – Albert Einstein." Yesterday, today and tomorrow are not consecutive, they are connected in a never-ending circle. Everything is connected. There are things out there that our little minds will never comprehend. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Fear is the worst enemy of progress. "What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean" – Isaac Newton. What if everything that came from the past was influenced by the future. Everyone, whether the daughter of a king or not, has one foot in the shadow and the other in the light. And so we all die alike. No matter into which house we are born. No matter which gown. Whether we grace the earth briefly or for a long time. I alone tie my bonds. Whether I have extended hands or slapped them. We all face the same end. Those above have long forgotten us. They do not judge us. In death, I am all alone. And my only judge is me. Our thinking is shaped by dualism. Entrance, exit. Black, white. Good, evil. Everything appears as opposite pairs. But that’s wrong. Dreams change. Other things become important. Every one of our deeds is merely a response to a previous deed. If we could see yesterday and tomorrow at the same time, the origin and the end, the entire universe in a single moment, we might finally find answers to the biggest questions of all. What is man? Where does he come from? What drives him? What is his purpose? We’re not free in what we do because we’re not free in what we want. We can’t overcome what’s deep within us. Beginning is the end and the end is the beginning. hope these quotes got you inspired to check it out and for life.